Sunday, March 12, 2017

Double-Page Spread Inspiration

          During this posting I would like to discuss the double page spread. Having no clue how or what I want my double page spread to look like, I took to the internet to hopefully find some inspiration. The website that I found to be most helpful to me was Pinterest, therefore that is where the majority of the layouts discussed here will originate from. If there is one thing that I do know about how I want my double page spread to look, it's that I want it to be colorful and have a lot of...things going on. I don't know how exactly to explain it. Essentially, I don't want it to be overwhelmingly plain and simplistic. Let me give you an example of what I mean.

          What I DON'T want my double page spread to look like:

          While I can appreciate the minimalist and uncomplicated design of these spreads, this is not what I had in mind for my magazine. I want something that is more visually engaging and interesting to look at; something that will be sure to capture the reader's eye. Having one page full of text and the other completely filled with an image is too uniform and basic-looking for what i'm trying to achieve.

          Below are some double page spreads that I came across on Pinterest that I found to be especially intriguing and inspiring. 

           Creative layouts that I DO want my double page spread to have qualities of:

          What I really like about this particular spread is how the majority of the graphics appear to be hand-drawn and not computerized. This helps to give a stronger sense of intimacy between the magazine and the reader. I also like how this layout does not appear to be meticulously organized, but rather the the graphics seem to flow from one page to the next. Another characteristic about this layout that I like is the font of the article title. It too does not appear to look perfect, having random lines sticking out to make it look a bit messy. In conjunction with the imperfect graphics, the design of the letters adds to the "homemade" feel of this page, which is what I find unique and interesting about it. 

          What made this double page spread catch my eye was the vivid colors, variety of graphics, and the numbers. There appears to be a lot going on, which makes readers more inclined to stop and read the page. The sharp contrast between the pink and white toothbrush and the bright blue toothpaste on top of it is undeniably noticeable. I like how the text is divided into chunks by the graphics rather than it being consistent and appearing longer. This makes me feel less intimidated to read the page in a sense, because it looks like a few short paragraphs rather than one lengthy article. All of these elements together make for a visually pleasing page filled with pictures and numbers, all of which are quick to grab a readers' attention.

          Out of all of the layouts that i've seen throughout my research, I think that this is the one that stood out the most to me. I love the background of the page and how it fits in well with the rectangular design. This design, although simple, adds a great deal of diversity to the page and sets itself apart from the others. Putting an image behind my article title or adding an interesting design like this one is definitely something that I will consider when I begin designing my own double page spread.


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